Cemetery Information
Address: 415 E. Avenue A
Hours: Dawn to Dusk
To purchase a plot please schedule a meeting with Ashley Wilson - awilson@copperascovetx.gov
For more information or purchase a plot contact CCPARD office at 254-542-2719
1206 West Ave B, Copperas Cove TX, 76522
Plot Costs
Standard Plots: $700 plus a $150 restoration fee
The Cemetery Office only accepts cash, card, checks, or money orders.
Do you do Payment Plans?
All plots must be paid in full prior to being interred or monuments being placed. The City does allow payment plans on plots.
Payment Plans:
- 1 year of payments at 3% interest
- 3 years of payments at 5% interest
Plot Sizes
Standard Plots: 4’ by 8’
Infant Plots:
The City does not make, sell, place or in any way touch the monuments with the exception of mowers. All monuments must be on the concrete slab if there is one and can take up no more than 90% of the 2x4 concrete slab. Double stones allowed if family owns two plots side by side.
Monument Companies:
How much will burial cost?
You would need to contact a funeral home. The city doesn’t handle the funeral or the digging.
Local Funeral Homes:
- Crawford Bowers 254-547-1275
- Chisholm's Family Funeral Home 254-245-9365
- Viss Family Funeral Home 254-542-7337
Do I need a funeral home?
That is personal choice. The city doesn’t do any gravesite preparation but you do not have to hire a funeral home. As long as the burial is done to code (casket 6’ deep, cremation 2 feet deep).
One professional digger in the area is Joseph Bedrick 254-770-7372
What plots are available?
Please contact Community Outreach Specialist for plot availability.
What do I need to buy a plot?
A plot application and payment are all that is needed to reserve the right to bury in a specific plot. Plot must be paid in full before use. You may also start a payment plan with a minimum down payment of $150.